David's Story
When I was first asked by a member if I would like to have a go at doing art I said ‘no thanks’. But she did not let go of the subject and I finally gave into her.
My first attempt at painting was of a sunset on a small canvas and it was done in water colours. Well, everyone said it was good and that I should stick with it. The house then put on an art program for us and it was run by Stuart Wallace. Well, from there I really went into the art of painting and enjoyed the pleasure it gave to me. Stuart said, ‘I really showed potential’, and asked if I would be interested in joining his own art classes that he runs? I said ‘do you really think I am that good?’ He said, ‘yes!’ I had a bit of a think about it all and said ‘yes, I will give it a go’. I joined Stuart’s art group called Lakeside Art Group and I attend there every Monday morning to do art. I love painting landscapes and have painted three so far, all of different scenes. They are all painted in oils, which I like to paint with. When I am doing my art work it makes me relaxed and I feel good in myself about what I have achieved. It has really proven to me that we all have a little hidden talent somewhere inside us and it just needs to be opened up for all to see.
So, from doing an art program through Sunflower House, I have now become an artist at a private art class… Who would have ever thought?!